Solicitation Policy

Japanese„ English

We have established the following basic principles in connection with our solicitation policy, based on the Law on Sales of Financial Products, and we will strive to conduct insurance solicitation appropriately.


1. In selling products, we will strive to conduct sales appropriately in compliance with the Insurance Business Act, the Law on Sales of Financial Products, and other related laws and regulations.

2. In selling products, we will diligently acquire and improve our knowledge and strive to provide easy-to-understand explanations so that the the customer will be able to sufficiently understand the content of our products.

3. We will strive to ensure that the customer is able to choose products in accordance with the customerfs views and actual situation, comprehensively taking into account the customerfs knowledge regarding our products, the customerfs enrollment purposes, financial resources, and the like.

4. With regard to products that are significantly influenced by market trends, we will strive to provide information appropriately to ensure that our dealings are carried out based on the judgments and responsibility of the customer.

5. In selling products, we will strive to understand the standpoint of the customer and show adequate consideration for the customerfs time, location, etc.

6. If an insured event should occur, we will strive to provide proper advice with respect to the customerfs claim for an insurance payout.

7. We will listen to the customerfs opinions and requests and strive to take them into consideration in the provision of our products.